Fuel cock and hose
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Fuel Tap Manual For Vespa GL, GTR, P, PK, Rally, Special, Sprint 50, 80, 125, 150, 200
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Order for €51.10 more

Fuel Tap Rubber Packing For Piaggio Ape, Vespa 50, 90, 125, ET3, N, P, PX, Primavera, Sprint, Rally
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Order for €58.88 more

Set - Fuel Cock W/ Water Bag, Fuel Hose And Filter For Simson S50, S51, MZ ETZ, TS, ES
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Order for €52.81 more

4-hole Fuel Tap Gasket 16mm For Simson S50, S51, S53, S70, S83 SR50, SR80, KR51/2 Schwalbe, Star, Sperber, Spatz, Habicht, M531, M541, M741
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Order for €59.13 more

Set - Fuel Cock, Fuel Hose And Filter For Simson S50, S51, S70, MZ ETZ, TS, ES
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Order for €53.13 more

Fuel Tap Connection M10 X 1 Plastic Red For Peugeot 103, Mobylette, Motobecane, Garelli
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Order for €57.58 more
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